mercredi 8 décembre 2010

Auchentashan distillery

Only 30 minutes by train from Glasgow, it's was the opportunity to visit a pure malt whiskey distillery with international students of the campus. 
I've enjoyed the malt-testing at the end. 

The campus is close... due to the snow

This is BlackBoard  (BB) The personnel account of each students.
You get the latest information regarding your courses (modification of room, topics to prepare...)
A efficient tool of communication but sometimes complicated to use.

mardi 7 décembre 2010

Bachelor Enterprise presentation, semester one

I’m going to give you the key elements of the Bachelor I’m preparing at the UWS. 
For the first semester (September 2010 to January 2011), I have 3 courses.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

We have started the 1st lecture by giving the framework of the economic growth. And our main objective is to try to understand if there is a link between entrepreneurship and economic growth. For that we need to define the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur (that is in fact complex and wide subject), its role in the economy, the importance of innovation and R&D, why is there a re-emergence of the SMEs from the 1970’, the process of knowledge spill-over and much more.  
It could be seen as a very theoretical approach. Well at first glance it is. They are a lot of economic theories (neo-classical, Austrian, German school…) related to this course but we are not only focused on that (and we don’t need to learn them but just to pick up elements related to entrepreneurship and understand the different concepts). We are starting with the theories to a concrete approach.
The lecture (one hour) starts with the news related to the subject and we are then illustrating the theories studied previously. [For example today’s news were about the protest from England’s students concerned by the future rise of the university fees. We’ve raised the question about positive knowledge externalities that the graduated students’ benefic roles will play in the society. So why will they have to pay more? And also compare the UK and US regarding the university fees.] 
Then we followed by a power point presenting the day’s topic. It’s an interactive lecture where the students can ask questions to the teacher at any moment. (Pas de cours magistral)
And during the last part, we were split into 3 “cohorts” (groups of 15 students) and every week a team (3 to 4 students) is presenting an article selected by the teacher. It’s an Academic article and it’s not about summarizing the article (because every students of the group has already read it) but by giving main elements to make the connection between the course’s subject.  
So with the step back it’s in fact a very concrete and current subject we are studying with multiple everyday life examples linked such as the world financial crisis. 
The final assessment (=exam) is composed of: an oral team presentation / a individual essay / a final exam in January 2011.

Conference and Business Tourism

This is the second course I’ve selected for the 1st semester. It’s about giving the framework of the Conference and business tourism that differs from the Tourism industry. It’s also related to marketing: how to promote an event? How to create a destination branding? A link is also made with the Scottish tourism industry. During the 2 hours’ lecture (and around 80 students) the senior lecturer presents the topic with a PP.
We’ve got after one hour tutorial to be divided in small groups of 15 students to prepare (in group or individually) a previous article or question that has been asked . And then discuss on it during the tutorial
The course’s notation:  At the beginning of the semester, we had to establish a group and then choose a conference that we will have to present in front of the senior lecturer. I’m in a group with 2 girls from Czech Republic (that’ll, I hope… spoke about the Bachelor they are preparing) and we have chosen the European Green Capital Conference, that took place this year in Stockholm. Then we need to write a report with our conclusions and recommendation (that what we are doing now…). And then an individual essay that you can choose between 3 subjects. I’ve chosen subject 3 “Within the next 5 to 10 years, video conferencing will replace a significant amount of business travel.” (And I’m working on it… almost done).
This is a very concrete course (few theories) and lots of practice.

Contemporary Issues in Business

This course is composed of a two-hour lecture (no tutorial) and its aim is to give a general approach of the “International Business”. This is a wide subject once again. We have started to discuss the issues related to the globalization, the role of government, the cultural aspect, the business ethics, the environmental issues… lots of subjects that can only briefly be presented in a power point, which is way the individual work stays important in this course. I’ve got the feeling that I’ve already studied this aspect of International Business during my previous studies, so it reminds me some elements I’ve formerly forgotten.
The concrete part of this course is our team work. I’m working with 3 Chinese girls from Beijing and one Taiwanese. We could choose between two subjects. We finally chose: “The importance or otherwise of understanding cultural issues for business firms operating internationally”. The oral presentation should take place this Thursday (if not snow storm) and one written report (due for last week’s semester). The final exam will take place in January.

Conclusion; the courses of the 1st semester are all interesting. I just regret that we only got 3 courses each semester. I found that it’s not enough. However the personal work is quiet important especially at the end of the semester when you start to feel that lots of work has to be done. The courses with the tutorials have permitted me to meet and work with several foreign students (I do my best to stay away from the “French community”) in the objective to acquire knowledge in an English-speaking environment.

lundi 15 novembre 2010

Articles to come

I'm currently preparing articles on:
- the accommodation of the Thornly Park UWS campus
- the city of Glasgow
- activities I've previously done

- YOU choose ! Just tell me !

Welcome to the students of the IUT of le Havre

Hi all of you!

I know I should have done this a long time ago, but you know, time is running so quickly.

However here is the website I've created to give you accurate and useful information about my studies at the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley campus. You want to study abroad after your DUT? Do a DUETI? A DUETI in Scotland? A DUETI in Glasgow? Well read my articles and please do not hesitate to ask me questions.

I'll update new articles/photos/links... during this month but you can already get an overview of my first semester.

Keep in touch'


According to your module, your teacher will let you know the different types of exam you can have:
Individual/team essay; individual/team oral presentation; individual/team written report or the Exam(individually) that are taking place in January after the Christmas Period (called the "Exam Diet") and then during the beginning of May.


The Campus

The undergraduate room. Have a group meeting here or upstairs.
It’s a “real campus” in the sense that you’ll find everything you need to work, have fun, and meet people… (Except for the sport infrastructures that are located in Thornly park campus, 10 minutes by bus).

There are different types of class-room, with comfortable chairs !) no writing or chew gum on the tables or walls; the computers’ equipments are well connected to the projector and other devices (so no waste of time trying to set up cables…); air-conditioning and heating are all running correctly. It could sound basic but it’s not always the case everywhere. (Some class-rooms are not connected to the university wireless network. Smart decision to avoid entertainment activities on internet during the lectures).

A library on 3 levels (where you can read international newspapers, access to internet, scanning/printing documents). There are silent room and meeting rooms. Lots of books, articles … but some of them are sometimes very old… More than 20 year for a book on Marketing…

The Union
A cybercafé, the Student Link (where you can ask for administrative documents…) several “snack-bars” (yes there is no canteen only snack-bar where you can buy sandwiches, drinks, snacks, soup. And I haven’t seen microwaves…), the Employability Link (Pôle emploi au sein de l’université) and one which deserves well its finality ! Where you can meet people helping you to write your English resume (different from the French one) or a cover letter, to find a part-time job or a work placement (some ads are updated every week). At the beginning of the year, you attend a “work atelier” to create your CV, to prepare an interview and so on.

But most all: The UNION. It’s a special space dedicated to all the students. It’s located 1 block from the campus (20 sec from the library). During the day you can meet there with your friends or group members and discuss in large sofas , enjoying music and with one pint of Tennent’s (the beer of Glasgow), yeah right alcohol in a public place and moreover with students! SCANDAL!! Well not at all!! But remember “la modération a bien meilleur goût” .
Paisley Center
And during the night, (9PM to 3 AM) the Union is the place where lots of parties in Paisley take place. It’s a night-club with students and of course the appropriate security. The Union is open almost every nights (but I think it’s close on Sundays).

Don't get loss

 On my way to the Univ.
The ITC center

The 3rd level of the librairy
 The "cantine" (ground floor of the Union)
 (3rd floor of the Union with the snack)
 Inside the Union at 13 PM
Main entrance, but we never enter by this gate

From France to Scotland: by air

You’ve the choice between two world-known low-cost companies: Ryanair and Easyjet (and of course all the others companies, but the prices are not the same). As a student I’ll restrict this subject between the two previous quoted companies.

You can get one-way ticket with Ryanair and Easyjet for around 50 to 60 € with a bag (cheapest prices I’ve seen). You have to purchase your ticket, let’s say (to be sure) 2 months earlier than the final date. And also be careful with the Christmas period (the cheapest tickets and the dates of flight are booked several weeks/months in advance).


We Easyjet you land at Glasgow international airport. You take the bus 500 (3,50£) to reach the city center in 20 minutes. The Glasgow airport is not far from Paisley so maybe there are some buses or also by cab (that’s less expensive than in France:).
With Ryanair you arrive at Prestwick airport and you’ve to take a bus or a train for 50 minutes. Price around 5£ one way ticket.

So it’s up to you !

Public transport

Public Transport

In Glasgow, you have the choice between the bus or the train (and the subway but I hardly use it, until now only 6 times).
The difference between France and Scotland is that in France we you live in a city you only got one bus company per city (Bus Océane in Le Havre, RATP in Paris…). But in Scotland you have at least 4 companies: First company, Arriva, Mc Gill, Dickons (and 2 other, I think).
So when you buy a day ticket with the First company (3,75£) you can only use it with the buses First. So be careful when you enter in a bus to be sure that’s the right company. I went once on a Dickons bus but with my First ticket. The driver clearly explained me for which company he was working for (the logo on his shirt).
And also at the station you’ve to raise your hand to show to the driver that he had to stop. I told you do it if not you’ll feel stupid when your bus pass in front of you (and you’ll have 20 minutes to wait).
So choosing a bus card depends on:
-          Your destination. Some bus companies are only traveling in a specific area,
-          The timetable: Some companies stop their service at 9 P.M. And the frequency of the buses.
It’s also possible to use the train or the subway in Glasgow, but when you’re traveling inside the city center most of the time you’ll use the bus (or subway).
I mention that I find that the public transport prices are quite expensive. When you take a bus ticket the price will depend on the destination and area (from 1,10£ to 1,90£) and you have to give the exact amount of money to the bus driver (if you haven’t got the change, what a pity! The bus driver doesn’t give the change*) *Well some company does.

From city center to Paisley

If you have decided to live in Glasgow center (or near the center) you’ll have to use the public transport to travel to the UWS.
From the city center (= the central station) you can take the bus 9 (First company) that’ll go directly to Paisley (and then 6 minutes walk to the UWS). By bus it takes around 50 to 70 minutes (one way) according to the traffic. So it takes quite a lot of time.
So I’ll advice you to take the STP, the commuter train that leaves every 20 minutes from Central station to Gilmour Street (the station where you have to stop) and then walk 7 minutes. It takes around 15 minutes one way.
So as you can see the train is the most time saving and efficient way of traveling from the city center to the UWS. But regarding the prices… it’s not the same.
It's £ 4,5 for a turn-return ticket (before 10 AM with or without the 16-25 Railcard) ; £ 3,50 (after 10 AM without the  16-25 Railcard); £ 2,50 (after 10 AM with the 16-25 Railcard). 

What do I do?
I’m not leaving in the city center. I’ve to take a bus to join the city center, walk 12 minutes to join central station, take the bus 9 and then I arrive at Paisley and walk 6 minutes to the UWS. So I only use 2 buses (from the same company: First). The 10 weeks card costs 85£ (unlimited bus for zone 1 and 2). But of course it takes me more time to join the university.

You can also take the train from Central Station to Gilmour Street.
Turn and retrurn tickets (before 10 AM) costs 4,40£. After 10 AM it's 3,30£ (or 2,20£) if you purchase the 16-25 Railcard that gives you discounts. The price of the card is 26£ for one year.

How successfully to choose your Bachelor?

It depends on what you want to focus your studies on. For example it could be interesting to study subjects that would not be taught in a French university. Or subjects you’ve already learned but you want to practice in “English-Scottish”. It’s up to you. I’m just giving you basic information.
So you can go on ; find your field, select a Bachelor and download the title module sheet (for 3rd year!) that describe in detail what you’ll learn (summary of the module), the learning outcomes, the eventual pre-requisites, the method of learning and teaching, the learning activities and how the assessment work.

So you should have 6 modules per year (so 3 modules each trimester)*. * I heard it’s possible to do 2 modules for semester 1 and 4 modules for semester 2 but it’s not recommended.

For example if you choose Bachelor (BA) International Marketing you’ll have 4 compulsory modules:
-          Consumer behaviour
-          Understanding Global Market
-          Business Research Methods
-          Marketing Communications Mix
AND 2 other you’ll have to choose between those 5
-          Contemporary Issues in Business
-          Marketing of Services*
-          Selling and Sales Management*
-          E-Marketing*
-          Social Marketing*
The modules indicates you if you’ll study it during trimester 1 or 2
So that for, what they call, a SINGLE BA: You’ll be graduated from a “BA in international Marketing”. You’ll study all the modules related to international marketing.
Note: the modules in black are compulsory and those in blue “optional” in a sense that you’ve the choice to choose one or several of them.


It means you’ll study the 4 modules (Consumer Behaviour; Understanding Global Market; Business Research Methods; Marketing Communications Mix) AND you’ll have to choose a MINOR in a different BA. For example in Tourism. The MINOR in Tourism is composed of two modules: Tourism Operations Management and Sustainable Development.
You’ll be graduated from a “BA International Marketing in Major and Tourism in Minor.”
Note; the minor of each BA is predetermined that mean you have to take two modules that are related.


That mean you choose 3 modules from one BA and 3 from another BA.
From our previous example: “You’ll be graduated from a joint BA in International Marketing and Tourism”. Once again it’s already “pré-déterminé” which type of module you can choose to undertake a Joint BA.

The 3rd year student handbook should be soon available at Mrs. Marchandise-Ruiz office for consultation (but you’ll find all the module description on the UWS website). And please for questions

Mission: find a private accommodation!

For those who’re choosing to live in a private accommodation (I understand by that, not the accommodation from the UWS) here is a piece of advice to choose the right place.
According to our personal experience, we wanted to be located in Glasgow center. The first day, we went in a estate agent’s to see how it was working. Well lot’s of difficulties: have a UK guarantor and a UK bank account credit check, a deposit (and of courses fees). So for a first day it was quiet difficult. Of course we hadn’t planned to find a accommodation with an estate agent. But it was to get some information.
So here are 3 possibilities:

-     The  ads in the free newspapers (we haven’t really tried)
- this is a very useful website where you can try to find a accommodation according to your needs. It’s like Ebay, you’ve got several parameters to determinate your need. It’s also give you notion of rental prices.

-          Byres Road. In this street, there is a window full of ads regarding accommodation (and other stuff). So you just have to find out what you are looking for and call the owner and make an appointment with him. That is how we found our accommodation near Alexandra Park in Dennistown.
It took us 2 days to find an appropriate accommodation. 
-           The ads on the Byres Road also  focus on the University of Glasgow district.
-           Most of the accommodations opportunities were already taken. It goes really quickly! We called 20 numbers: 10 were already taken and 5 didn’t answer. The ads are “updated” every day at 4 P.M.
-          60% of the ads were about flat sharing with 2, 3, 4 and more people. So if you’ve the opportunity to find international flat mates, just do it!

If you’ve more questions about the accommodation, please ask.

Introduction and purpose of the blog

Hello to all of you!

I’m Tim, a French student currently preparing a Bachelor Enterprise at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Paisley campus. I have arrived in Scotland since September 2010 and will stay until May 2011.

I’m coming from the University of Le Havre and have done previously a “DUT Techniques de Commercialisation” at the IUT of Le Havre.

I’ve created this blog to present and share to all the students of the University/IUT of le Havre (or else) the studies at the university, the life in Scotland and the procedures. The blog will provide you (I hope so) useful information regarding the accommodation, life on the campus and in Glasgow, the international students, the part-time job, the activities and much more!

Some of the articles will be in French or in English (so forgive me for the mistakes I’ll sure do). I’ll try to be neutral and express my personal thoughts in the purpose to give all the information you’ve to know before the big challenge: studying in a foreign country.

Some articles will be written by some friends or international students I’ve met during the year. Always in the objective to give you different points of view.

So please do not hesitate to feedback my articles and ask me questions. 
