lundi 17 janvier 2011

Last year in Canada

The IUT of le Havre offers you the opportunity to follow a bilingual semester in Marketing at the Cégep André Laurendeau and the Vanier College in Montréal (during your second year in DUT TC). From mid-August to mid-December you've the opportunity to discover the North American "spirit" (however the semester takes place in Québec with another state of mind).
That's one added-value proposed by the IUT of le Havre (you're also able to join the bilingual class in 2nd year, do your second year work placement abroad...).

Have a look on the blog I've created regarding my last year experience in Montréal

However, I find that the IUT's website,  do not provide enough details. So i you want to learn more please ask the person in charge of the International Relations. I'm also here for specific info:

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